:: 3.06.2002 ::
it's so strange how the more you want something, the harder it becomes to get it.
I went and turned in my graduation application yesterday and it was such a nice feeling. as a 3rd year sophomore, I'm VERY much looking forward to my final day at SGC. I've been doing pretty good with attendance and whatnot so far this semester, but I ended up sleeping through my computer class today.
now usually, this wouldn't be a problem. but it's the same computer class I had a couple of semesters ago and failed because I missed too many days. same teacher, too. and to top it all off, it's only a once-a-week class, so that gives me less leeway for absences.
anyone else think they should do away with attendence policies as a whole?
ah well.. time to go work on my PSYC midterm.
:: posted by Michael at 12:49 PM
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