:: 1.08.2002 ::
ah man.. where do I start?
guess it's been a while since I last contributed. hope all you guys had a great Christmas and brought in the New Year with good times. I did so, I must say...
finally got that 4-track I've been going on and on about. got a little tech help from Nathan last night and made quite a nice sounding little clip. now I've just gotta get an adapter for my mic and an RCA cable and I'll be in business.
went up to Athens (see picture at left) for the remainder of the holiday and had a wonderful week. too good, I think. hung out with SeƱor Tubbs, Shelly, and Chris West a lot. went to the bars, went to a smokin' Panic show, brought in the new year with some great friends and massive quantities of alcohol. talked to lots of people, though I can hardly remember who. even talked to a few of my Nancie folk. ended up sleeping on a couch at some house of a guy I hardly know. woke up the next morni.. er.. afternoon and couldn't find my car keys ANYwhere. ended up being in my friend's driver seat. how conveeeeenient.
then came the snow. on Wednesday morning, I woke up to Shelly bouncin' around the house tellin' me to look outside. everything was white. being that she and I have grown up in south Georgia, we were happier than a three-petered puppy at a poodle pageant to see *real* snow. I think it was about my 4th time seeing it. EVER. it snowed all Wednesday and for a good part of Thursday. we had a YOUGE snowball fight from the bar all the way to the back of River Mill. so much fun.. even built a snowman on my car and rode around town.
so to sum it up, I had such a great time on my little winter break. I really didn't want to leave Athens and didn't want to start school even moreso. alas, I have responsibilites.. gotta get that Bachelors, if it's the last thing I do.
can I get some noise from all my 3rd year sophomores? woot, woot!
enough of that... guess I'll go to sleep and 'try' to make class tomorrow.
read away, you. and you, too.
:: posted by Michael at 5:22 AM
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