:: 6.26.2002 ::
I'm back from Bonnaroo!
plenty of stories, pictures, and memories to come..
:: posted by Michael at 4:42 PM
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:: 6.20.2002 ::
I'm off to Bonnaroo!
:: posted by Michael at 11:01 AM
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:: 6.17.2002 ::
my good friend Chris and his girlfriend Debbie left for Europe a few days ago after a short visit in Douglas. they just made their first stop through Amsterdam and now they're on their way to Praha.
at any rate, I just wanted to let you all know that despite a long bout of inactivity, I think Chris may use his journal to write about different parts of their trip when he gets the chance to use a computer. his site is in my sidebar to the left, so check it now and again to read about his travels..
have a great time, man!
:: posted by Michael at 7:38 PM
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:: 6.16.2002 ::
I used the URL for my poetry page to create a poem. it was made using the poem generator, which I found earlier while browsing around through .sara's page. what's funny is that she may not even know about the poem generator, yet through her site I happened upon it. oh, the neverending tangents of the internet..
here's the finished product, with a bit of editing for effective purposes.
Poetry place
Unturned pages enrage a simple common sense
Kindly request silence from
The cruel embrace
In an overbearing hand
Heard endlessly whispering help
Another blank page
And light brown hues of sirens
Muffled by headfuls of Amontillado wine
The end
The cracks in whisking leaves,
Contorting orange innocent trees of her
But through bushes
And what flows from standing in
A steady flow teems
And right venture into the impact
The end
The light in a ray of an unknown tune
The girls
As the pain undeniably dropping into morning,
Then the air only sees
Confused to moan
The rhythm so small it finds its way through their minds
Do is a whisper,
Heard endlessly whispering help
Another round with it seems
Kings and vines throughout the mind
Her faintest smell
He slowly tosses his thoughts,
Her love,
You or you
That tickle the night dedicated to moan
The tide rolls in
Ideas are surfaces fortifying with birth,
Frozen inside these notes until my soul
I could tell you to my mind
Take it.
:: posted by Michael at 8:01 PM
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:: 6.13.2002 ::
amidst the day's browsing, I came upon this review of my journal by the good people over at meateaters inc. many thanks for taking the time to look over my humble abode..
:: posted by Michael at 12:30 PM
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I think I'd make a great South Park character..
click the image to make your own!
:: posted by Michael at 11:15 AM
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:: 6.08.2002 ::
I'm working on a Bonnaroo site so hopefully everyone I know can get together at the show and have a great time. the page is still in its early stages, as I just put it together in the last couple of days. I'll be updating it frequently, so if you're going to Bonnaroo, be sure and check back often!
and also, check out my bay area pictures.
:: posted by Michael at 3:51 PM
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:: 6.04.2002 ::
one of my mother's gardening efforts.
:: posted by Michael at 9:15 PM
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:: 6.01.2002 ::
I got our Bonnaroo tickets yesterday.
they're frickin' YOUGE.
:: posted by Michael at 12:39 PM
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